The United States Corporation was a foreign corporation that represented it’s share holders, NOT THE PEOPLE! All three branches and both sides of the aisle were not living up to the oath and their destructive government was destroying our country. It is now up to the military to live up to their oath and restore the republic. The last line of defense to the constitution and our unalienable rights is THE PEOPLE. We hope and pray it does not come down to THE PEOPLE. We allowed less than 1000 public servants far too much leeway. THE PEOPLE must never allow the government to become rouge again. Donate Adopt the 2020 Declaration of Independence The Abolishment of The UNITED STATES CORPORATION… If THE PEOPLE were awake there would be no need for a PBI. We are trying to reverse the program that is in the minds of most of THE PEOPLE. The media and government have perpetuated the belief that the government are our leaders when they are literally our servants. We must make an ongoing effort to let them know they are our “public servants”. THE PEOPLE vest or loan them the power and we can take it away. Waking THE PEOPLE up to this fact is the overall goal. We need to reverse the narrative and let them know WHO THE DAMN BOSS ACTUALLY IS! It is WE THE PEOPLE! Nowhere does the Declaration of Independence state we must go through a recall or impeachment process. If a government is destructive to an extreme they must go. I had a teacher in 4th grade that would drag you out of the class by the scruff of your neck or your earlobe if someone got out of line. We need to bring that back. We don’t need to be the arresting entity. By the way the police answer to THE PEOPLE as well. It doesn’t take a detective to see someone blatantly being destructive on the public record. It is time to turn the tables and gang up with a narrative change on the elite 1%. Everyone sharing is great but you can take it to an entire new level. Rob Emerson here does great with this process. There is a good chance you are here directly or indirectly from his efforts. He knows how important this is and has the process down to an art. He also emails all kinds of companies and people. Today I joined about thirty more international new groups. Mostly China, India, and Africa. We all need to become more about action. There is so much to do. Any donations of funds or time sharing this to wake people up is greatly appreciated. If you are inclined, please join a hundred political groups, patriot groups, lockdown groups, news groups, anti globalist groups etc. then share daily with each and every group. You just comment, copy and paste the link in groups. It’s very simple to do while listening to music or independent news like Mel K or Scott Mckay. This is the way to make people become aware of the fact that THE PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER! I have been doing this process for a solid year. If we all do it, imagine what would happen. I would say within a couple months EVERYTHING, I mean EVERYTHING would change for the better. Feel free to copy the logo off of the site and use it as your profile in all social media. Everyone is an agent of the PBI at birth so lets let the elite 1% know we are DONE with their attempt to take more ground on THE PEOPLE and they better straighten up before we grab them by the scruff. Let’s flood the internet with agents from THE PBI!